West Indian Journal of Engineering

West Indian Journal of Engineering

Archived Issue

Volume 18: Number 1-July 1995



Technical Papers

Active Soils of Trinidad:  Their Identification and Classification - K.V. Ramana.
Abstract | View PDF

A Modified Ethernet Protocol for Load Balancing Applications - W. Zhang & J.C. Majithia. Abstract | View PDF

Requirements Analysis for Developing a National GIS Infrastructure for Trinidad and Tobago - Jacob Opadeyi. Abstract | View PDF

Technical Note

Analytical Study of Heat Transfer and Melting Front in a Spherical PCM Capsule -
A.Z.A. Salfullah. Abstract | View PDF

Invited Theme Papers

Towards the 21st Century – An Expanded Focus for the Food Technology Unit (FTU) -
G. Baccus-Taylor. Abstract | View PDF

Process Biotechnology Implications for Chemical Engineering at The University of the West Indies - W.A. Mellowes. Abstract | View PDF

A Caribbean Programme in Planning - A. Mohammed. Abstract | View PDF