West Indian Journal of Engineering

West Indian Journal of Engineering

Latest Publication

Volume 44: Number 1, July 2021


Effectiveness of Paired Next Generation Firewalls in Securing Industrial Automation and Control Systems: A Case Study by Eddison Jaggernauth and Sean Rocke Abstract | View PDF

Barbados towards 100% Renewable Energy: Case Scenarios for 2030 National Energy Target Plans by Sheldon Marshall and Randy Koon Koon Abstract | View PDF

Assessment of the Emerging Landscape of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Trinidad and Tobago by Raid Al-Tahir and Giatri K. Lalla Abstract | View PDF

Spatio-temporal Kriging of Lower Caribbean Wind Data by Neil Ramsamooj Abstract | View PDF

Advancing the Ultra High Frequency RFID in Industrial Applications: A Review by Tracy Aleong and Kit Fai Pun Abstract | View PDF