School of Education


Mrs Susan Otway-Charles

Research Interests

Mrs. Susan Otway-Charles’ research interests are primarily focused on the teaching and learning of modern foreign languages and Communication Studies, and teacher education. She is at present researching an attempt to build a community of practice amongst modern foreign language teachers in the local context.

Selected Publications

  • George, J.,  Mohammed, J., Quamina-Aiyegina, L., Fournillier, J.B., & Otway-Charles, S. (2001). “Primary Teacher Trainees in Trinidad and Tobago: Characteristics, Images, Experiences and Expectations.” Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER) Discussion Paper, :Centre for International Education, University of Sussex Institute of Education.

Selected Conference Presentations 

  • Otway-Charles, S., &  Sambucharan, M. Accepted to present “Building communities of practice amongst modern foreign language educators” at the ACTFL 2024 Convention, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, in November 2024
  • Otway-Charles, S., & Satnarine, A.. Experiential learning outside the traditional classroom: How is this perceived by 2 student-teachers and a student of modern foreign languages? Joint Oral presentation at UWI Schools of Education Biennial Conference, April 2019, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Otway-Charles, S. Dichotomies: Varied former modern foreign language (MFL) student-teachers’ perceptions of an initial in-service teacher education programme in Trinidad and Tobago. Oral presentation at TTATE Conference, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, November 2017
  • Otway-Charles, S. Some modern foreign language (MFL) teachers’ perceptions of their experiences of an in-service initial teacher education programme in Trinidad and Tobago. Oral presentation at ISATT July 2017 18th  Biennial Conference on Teachers and Teaching, Salamanca, Spain, July 2017.
  • Otway-Charles, S., & Joseph, A. The process of rubric development—Accountability in the assessment of student-teachers’ practice on an in-service teacher education programme in Trinidad and Tobago. Presentation at The University of the West Indies Schools of Education Biennial Conference on Education 2015, Barbados.
  • Phillip, R. & Otway-Charles, S. A descriptive Case Study Investigation into Teachers’ Levels of Use of the E Connect and Learn Laptop Programme at Secondary School in the Southeastern Educational District of Trinidad and Tobago. Joint presentation at The University of the West Indies Schools of Education Biennial Conference on Education 2015, Barbados.
  • Otway-Charles, S., Mohammed-Mars, R., & Powdhar, J. Joint presentation on the Integration of Mathematics in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Mathematics Symposium at School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, June 2012.
  • Carter, B., &  Otway-Charles, S.  Project to set up Language Learning and Teaching Forum on the Internet, funded by the Dean’s Award, Faculty of Humanities and Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, August 2003 to 2005
  • Otway-Charles, S.  American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages’ annual conference in Washington D.C., USA. Presentation on Foreign Language teacher education, November 2001       .          
  • George, J.,  Mohammed, J., Quamina-Aiyegina, L., Fournillier, J.B., & Otway-Charles, S. (2001). “Primary Teacher Trainees in Trinidad and Tobago: Characteristics, Images, Experiences and Expectations.” Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER) Discussion Paper, :Centre for International Education, University of Sussex Institute of Education. Joint presentation of paper at Conference “Controversies in Education,”  April 1999