School of Education

Dr. Madgerie Jameson-Charles


St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Dr. Madgerie Jameson-Charles is a holder of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology (The University of the West Indies), a Masters of Education, Education for Employment (University of Sheffield, U.K). and A PhD in Education, Learning and Instruction in Higher Education (University of Otago, New Zealand).  She is a Certified Hospitality Department Trainer from the Education International, American Hotel and Lodging.   She Lectures at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, School of Education in Fundamentals of Education Research, Educational Psychology, Cognition and Learning and Health and Family Life Education. She is the Coordinator of the Master of Arts programme in Leadership in Technical Vocational Education and Workforce Development.  Her research interests are making transitions, high-stakes testing, youth development, teacher education, learning and instruction in higher education.

Link to Dr. Jameson-Charles' Research page

Lecturer in Educational Research and Psychology
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/83900

Curriculum Vitae

Madgerie CV November 2017.pdf