The Anatomical Pathology Unit consists of the necropsy and the histology laboratories at UWI-SVM. It is staffed by two board-certified pathologists and 2 laboratory technicians and a teaching assistant. Necropsy and biopsy services are provided for all species.  Samples are received from clients at the Small and Large Animal Clinics at the SVM, private clinics, farms, wildlife rehabilitation centers and private citizens. Formalin fixed biopsy and necropsy tissue samples are processed at the histology laboratory and then can be viewed on a microscopic slide. The pathologist then interprets these slides to arrive at a diagnosis for the case. Results of pathology investigations can be used to assist veterinarians in arriving at a course of treatment for their patient or for food and wild animal populations, to institute treatment and/or preventative measures to help the other animals.

Our services offered include:

  • Necropsy- involves post-mortem examination of an animal after with the aim of determining the cause of death. Services provided can be between a full and cosmetic necropsy are available.   
  • Biopsy/Histopathology - abnormal tissue samples are surgically removed from live animals or dissected from necropsy cases to diagnose the disease process e.g. tumors, skin diseases etc. by looking at the microarchitecture.
  • Assistance with sample processing and diagnostics for research projects.

Contact us between the hours of 8am-4pm (Monday-Friday) at: 662-2002 EXT 4382


Histology station - used for the preparation of slides


Histopathology with a special Ziehl Neelsen stain showing zoonotic mycobacteria infection


the Necropsy laboratory