The Farm Animal Unit is the only dedicated Farm Animal veterinary service in Trinidad and Tobago (outside of the government service). We provide both ambulatory (on-farm) and in-hospital care to cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. Staffed with a cadre of well – qualified Farm animal Veterinarians and veterinary support staff with a cumulative total of over 80 years of experience in Farm Animal Practice, we can provide a range of diagnostic services, surgical and medical care, preventative health and routine fertility health checks to various farm animal species.  

The Farm Animal hospital is available to farmers, small-holding owners and hobbyists. Owners are encouraged to make appointments in advance to minimise the possibility of an extended wait. As a teaching hospital, students are involved in examination and treatment of patients, under the watchful guidance of the clinicians. Consequently, all prices are discounted. Animals requiring hospitalisation, are kept in secure comfortable pens with round-the-clock treatment until discharge. The hospital stocks all the most up-to-date medicinal treatments and boasts all the necessary modern equipment, such as: digital x-ray, portable, high-resolution ultrasonography, all manned by highly trained veterinary clinical specialists. Clinical and gross pathology Board-certified staff provide the necessary support for the diagnostic protocols required to identify disease states. 


Farm Animal Hospital hours: Practice 8.30am - 3:00pm (Please call to schedule your visit) 

Work: (868) 645 3232 Ext 5105   or (868) 756 9427 

Out of hour emergencies: (868) 756 9427 



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