Our list of Services Include
- Repairs to laboratory equipment including Oscilloscopes, Power Supplies, multimeters, centrifuges, incubators, pH Meters etc
- PCs built to specifications, their repairs & upgrades including repairs/services to peripherals including laser/inkjet printers and Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS).
- Consultancy re: Equipment purchase/Acquisition, power line conditioning, the provision of technical data and advice to solve problems.
- Rental of Liquid Nitrogen storage vessels.
- Assessment of obsolete/irreparable equipment.
- Printed circuit board fabrication.
- Training in the use, care and maintenance of laboratory equipment.
- Evaluation of Capacitor specifications.
- Project assistance to students re: prototype development.
- Bad/Good testing of Linear & Digital Integrated circuit components using state of the art testers.
- Stress testing of High Voltage Industrial components up to 1000 Volts such as Diodes, Capacitors, Transistors and Thyristors.
- AC Power Quality Evaluation.
- Environmental and Occupational Noise Measurement Services.
- Occupational Illumination Measurement Services.
- Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field surveys.
- CCTV Camera corrective maintenance services
Our Team of competent personnel will visit your work site to properly evaluate your situation and provide a quotation prior to commencement of repairs.