Student Notices

Postgraduate studentships for Caribbean Academy of Sciences Conference

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS) is hosting its 19th General Meeting and Biennial Conference from November 21-23, at the Magdalena Grand Resort in Tobago. The theme of the conference is “Harnessing Science and Technology to Create Knowledge-Based Economies and Preserve Caribbean Ecosystems”.

The Academy is offering ten studentships, each valued at US$505 for postgraduate students wishing to present their work (in any area of science) at the conference.


Applicants must

  • - Hold a first degree
  • - Be Caribbean nationals studying at a tertiary institution in Trinidad, or
  • - Be Trinidad and Tobago nationals pursuing postgraduate studies in the region
  • - Have an abstract accepted for oral/poster presentation at the conference
  • - Agree to be accommodated at the Magdalena grand Resort, Tobago
  • - Agree to share their hotel room with one other recipient

Abstracts must be submitted by August 31, 2014.

The studentship for 2014 conference comprises:

Registration – US$150

Double occupancy accommodation for 2 nights - US$228

Travel to Tobago - US$50

Per Diem – US$25 for 3 days - US$75


Applications and abstracts should be submitted by email to  

For more information, visit the website:

Click here for the studentship application form.

Click here for further details on the conference.

Contact: 662-2002 ext. 84469