Posted Thursday, February 9, 2023
The Adopt-A-Student (AAS) programme is executed by the Financial Advisory Services Office with the aim of providing financial support to deserving students. Staff, students and the general public are all invited to contribute.
There is no minimum contribution amount as every little is greatly appreciated.
How the programme is executed:
- The Manager of Financial Advisory Services will review student applications and be responsible for determining their financial needs. The Manager will also interview the applicants before making the final selection on who will benefit from the programme
- All funds are collected and deposited into AAS account, and all selected students placed on the programme will receive a month's stipend from this account
- All staff members are invited to contribute via salary deduction on a monthly basis for a specified period, they also have the option to leave their contribution period open without a cut-off date. Persons interested in this option are asked to complete the registration form and submit to the Financial Advisory Services Unit.
- Contributors can also deposit funds directly to the AAS account via The UWI cashier (account # 1300-226242)
- Members of UWI staff can click here to download the salary deduction application form.
Click here to download an editable version of the salary deduction application form.
Payments can be made via electronic cheque (ACH payment) to the following:
Bank Name: Republic Bank Limited
Bank Address: Corner Agostini Street and Tunnel Drive, St. Augustine, Trinidad
Account #: 160 284 614 001
Account Name: The University of the West Indies
The Financial Advisory Services Office recently introduced the option for contributions to be made via the TOUCHNET online system. These transactions incur a small fee. Click here to begin the process TOUCHNET.
IMPORTANT: Once the funds are remitted, a copy of the banking receipt is forwarded to allow for tracking of the funds.
For further information, contact: / 662- 2002 ext. 82100; 84194; 82360