Staff Notices

Call for FHE Authors 2023/24

Posted Friday, December 8, 2023

The Faculty of Humanities and Education, The UWI, Mona Campus, developed new objectives in the 2022/23 AY for advancing research, publications and resource mobilisation through a combination of strategies. With collaboration at the centre of the initiatives, these strategies cut across the resource mobilisation and graduate studies portfolios, and are consistent with The UWI’s strategic objectives. We aim to increase: 1) training opportunities for staff and graduate students; 2) production of high impact research; and 3) successful grant writing, among others. Overall, these objectives form part of a vision to create a more nurturing environment to foster growth and development at all levels.

We now circulate this second Call for FHE Authors 2023/24 to participate in a dynamic process of advancing publication projects. We are keen on engaging staff and graduate supervisees with works in progress to participate in a targeted period of mentorship towards publication of a selected piece of work.

If you feel this initiative is for you, please complete the attached form and submit to no later than Wednesday, December 20, 2023. Your stated project and focus for this writing series will ultimately help us design the appropriate support and mentorship needed. 

Click here to access the Invitation and Call for Authors.