General Notices

The Application Period is Open

Posted Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The application period for the 2024/25 academic year is now open, which means this is the time for all game changers, future movers and shakers and future graduates to apply to start one of our many academic programmes in August 2024.

What are the benefits of applying to study at The UWI St Augustine? Well, we're glad you asked:

-          Full-time and part-time programmes available, via face-to-face and blended learning models 

-          Options for applicants with CSEC only or other qualifications

-          Access to easy payment plans, scholarships and bursaries

-          World-class education, globally recognised and regionally relevant

Now that we have your attention, we've listed some links to key resources below, to help guide the decision-making process and application procedure:

-          Resources for both undergraduate and postgraduate applicants can be accessed by clicking here

-          For a list of the requirements to apply for an undergraduate programme, click here

-          For a list of the requirements to apply for a postgraduate programme, click here

If you have any questions for undergraduate information, please feel free to contact the Admissions Department at: 662-2002 ext. 82157, 82154, 83012 or via email at .

For Postgraduate queries contact 662-2002 ext 85018, 84191, 83064 or email

And don't forget to share this information with your friends, family members and networks.