
December 2022

'Spread your hands and 'leggo' [once you are in your safe space],' said Ms Ingrid L-A Lashley, former Director of the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company Limited and honorary graduate of The UWI St Augustine. She gave her conferral speech to a packed audience of graduates, their loved ones, and other members of the campus community on October 27 at The UWI St Augustine 2022 Graduation ceremonies. So said, so done. Newly minted graduates celebrated their hard-earned success and the completion of one of the most impactful journeys of their lives at the ceremonies. Held from October 27 to 29 at the Centre of Excellence in Macoya, they were the first fully in-person graduation ceremonies in two years due to the pandemic. The theme for this year across the four campuses was “Lux Via”, Light the Way. PHOTO: KEYON MITCHELL

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New Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, Prof Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw


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Celebrating in Style – and in Person
After two long years, St Augustine ceremonies fully return