UWI Today December 2017 - page 12

When the UWI TODAY
paper migrated f
Marketing and Communications Office in
an external audience. The hope was that si
of the Sunday Guardian and available onli
it was naturally reaching that market any
public knowmore about the work being d
edited the first four issu
Professor Dan Ramdath, who warned that we are
eating is defined as eating small amounts of a vari
I remember seeing those first issues and being
design and the writing. It was a publication that s
for the position of editor, I was surprised, but inte
Nearly ten years later, here I am, producing t
times it has seen as it draws close to its tenth anni
The paper has served pretty much as the biog
everything of note that takes place, and the major
are really the best place to find accounts of the last
show, the range has been diverse.
We’ve featured the remarkable biodiversity
premier sites exploring it: the Cocoa Research C
Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (ICG,T), the National
the Zoology Museum, with thousands of specime
fascinating stories of journeys of discovery.
But we have also struggled to raise public c
heartland of the campus. So, as we mark the 100th
accessible – to change its format somewhat so th
your business.
We know that the majority of communicatio
platforms, so the plan is to bolster our presence o
interactive and dynamic, updating content as often
The Director of Marketing and Communicati
, has said that as the paper reaches the
paper to be recalibrated to meet contemporary de
Of course, even as we reconstruct the way we
the remarkable explorations going on at the St. Au
researchers don’t like to talk about their work!) an
and design that caught my eye ten years ago.
Along the way, we have been assisted by
who acted as editor during my various periods of l
the 100 issues as he designed them all and he ha
distinctive look – one that is unmatched in any reg
and Communications Office
have been helpful i
without the generous support of staff and students
And, of course
Imraan Nasir
who puts us online
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