UWI Today December 2017 - page 23

We ne e d a c u l tu r a l and
change in our
approach towards physical
education and sport. Our society
pays minimal attention to their
importance in the lives of our
youth. Schools are concrete
jungles and there are no playing
fields, green areas and space for
children to run, jump and develop
other fundamental motor skills.
At the primary level, Physical Education (PE) is
sometimes seen as ‘play time’ for the students, with no
established structure. Some teachers see this as a time to
do some other form of lesson planning or for relaxation.
Although PE is a documented primary level subject of the
Ministry of Education, it is not recognised by some teachers.
Many teachers do not teach this subject because they
simply do not have a passion for the subject or they place
little value on it. Some do not know how to teach PE; they
lack self-confidence to deliver the content or were not trained
in the field. In the era of Teachers’ Training College, Physical
Education was an optional subject, yet, when placed in a
primary school, teachers were expected to teach it. When
fully dressed for the day, some teachers find it unpleasant
to change into PE attire to engage in classes which involve
perspiring and time in the sun.
I was once a teacher at a primary school with a passion
for PE. When I began to pursue my studies in this field, I
persuaded the principal to make me the PE teacher for the
entire school. I had observed the lack or complete absence
of teaching in this area, which when done, was more in
the realm of fun or games with little structure. Staff was
obviously happy when she agreed. I believe the students were
even happier as they got a chance to engage in organized PE
classes. This programme continued for three years, before I
was transferred to a secondary school.
All primary schools should be staffed with specialist
PE teachers (also for drama, music and art), who bring with
them special skill sets to promote physical education and to
enhance the development of the child in the formative years.
Children at this age are now developing their fundamental
motor skills – running, throwing, catching, kicking, striking,
jumping and landing – which are the building blocks for
future sporting activities. Mastery of these skills at an early
age is an essential part of enjoyable participation in sport
and a lifelong interest in an active lifestyle. When they go
through the primary school system and fail to acquire some
of these basic skills, it sets the tone for their future lack of
participation in sports and active lifestyles. By not catering
to their needs at an early age, we are shooting them down
before we give them a chance to fly.
All secondary schools should have a full-sized covered
hall as well as a playing field to accommodate the needs for the
delivery of the PE curriculum and the school’s participation
in ECA. These are realistic, justified and necessary facilities,
yet we continue to have secondary schools being built with
facilities that are inadequate or absent.
National Primary and Secondary Schools Track and
Field Meetings need to be reviewed. The stadium is literally
empty except for the athletes themselves. Why is it that when
Jamaica is having their National Secondary Schools Track and
FieldMeetings, their stadium is packed? Their Championship
Our cricketers
off to regional
These UWI students
have been selected for the
CCC preparation for the Cricket West Indies
regional 50 tournament. They will be leaving
Trinidad and Tobago in January 2018.
They have been putting in some hours of
practice daily on the Sir Frank Worrell field and
we wish them well. Amir Jangoo and Bryan
Charles are currently touring with the Trinidad
and Tobago Senior Cricket Team.
is an important event in Jamaica’s calendar and the nation
looks forward to it. Where are we falling short? We don’t we
look at their system and modify our structures to bring it up
to par with theirs or even ask for their input?
There are some schools/districts that have structured
after-school clubs and programmes, which allow them a
chance to have an athletic team in the true sense to represent
their school/district. However, this is the minority and may
not be the general case. Some schools send athletes who have
not trained and are ill prepared for zonal games. Principals
send athletes just to show that their school participated and
to look good in the eyes of the MOE. An organized structure
is needed to ensure that our athletes are well prepared in
their respective sporting disciplines, starting from the school
level.This structure must be embedded in the school with the
support from the MOE, principals and the teachers.
When games are organized, there is the perennial issue of
inadequate funding. Eventual winners of zonal and national
competitions need to be given special attention. These are
young men and women who have displayed talent in their
respective sporting disciplines. We cannot just let them
loose and hope that in the next year’s competition they will
do well again.
This is one of our greatest shortcomings, especially when
it involves students from rural areas, who because of lack of
transport and facilities cannot build on their raw talent. We
need a structure that will look after the development of our
young charges, and it MUST start from the primary school
and continue into secondary school. Schools must have
after-school programmes and networks with established
community sporting groups. These sport groups must be
structured with qualified coaches and work in partnership
with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Sport.
I am an advocate for establishing at least three sports
schools within Trinidad and Tobago. These schools would
serve promising athletes who excel at zonal and national
games in their respective sporting competitions. Here
students will be taught academics and are expected to
maintain a predetermined score. They will also be trained
in their chosen sporting discipline by qualified coaches
whose long term goal is to prepare them for regional and
international competition. This concept was pioneered by
the Soviet Union in the 1930s and has been practised by
countries such as Germany (East), Singapore and China,
which currently have over 3,000 such schools.
There are many implications for the execution for such a
programme, but with careful planning, funding and a change
in our philosophy and culture it can be achieved. Sacrifices
have to be made. One can reflect on the sacrifices made by
Gabby Douglas, a US gymnast, who at age 14 left her home in
Virginia to live with a family in Iowa to participate in training.
Gabby, an African-American went to live with Caucasian
foster parents for her training. She was focused, persevered
and won two gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics and
gold at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
In the USA, there are schools called Boarding Schools
by Sport that generally follow the principles of sports
schools however, people pay to enrol their children at these
institutions for the specialized sport training and academic
I firmly believe that early identification of gifted
athletes and sport specific training and guidance, will make
a difference in our country’s future sporting performance.
Kenny Kitsingh is an Assistant Lecturer at the School of Education, UWI St. Augustine.
How about Sports Schools?
Kenny Kitsingh makes a case for dedicated training
for promising young athletes
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