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August 2009
What distinguishes the H1N1 from other influenzas? In many respects, the Novel Influenza A/H1N1 virus is similar to other “flu” viruses that are responsible for seasonal flu epidemics. It causes similar symptoms: fever, cough, sorethroat, runny nose, body pains, headache, general malaise (feeling poorly) and, in some cases, vomiting and diarrhoea. In this regard, it is almost completely indistinguishable from seasonal flu. What makes this virus different—and by extension a cause for concern—is that it has a completely novel genetic structure of combined porcine (pig), avian (bird) and human origin; therefore the specific genetic makeup of this pandemic strain of the flu was never before seen in viruses circulating among human beings. This presented two concurrent potential problems:
Is its rapid spread a result of some innate quality, or is it largely a reflection of the interconnectedness of the planet? Its spread is a combination of those two factors: The new genetic makeup of this virus does seem to favour high transmissibility, but the ubiquity of global travel has accelerated the spread to a large extent. Are local physicians adequately prepared in terms of information and medication to diagnose H1N1, and to treat patients with it? Local physicians have been adequately informed of the existing protocols for diagnosis and treatment of the new pandemic flu. Information has gone out to the medical profession through several channels designed to reach both the public and the private physician population. In terms of treatment, it is necessary to point out that in most cases, disease has been very mild and no specific/special treatment beyond supportive therapy has been needed. In cases where more serious disease was noted or where other risk factors were present, the treating physicians have been advised to refer to the public facilities where specialist teams were assembled to guide care of the higher-risk patients. Several public service messages have been broadcast in various media with advice on hygienic and other preventive measures to help contain the spread, are these adequate? These messages are accurate, informative and “onpoint” with regard to their content, their focus and the channels of communication being used to spread them. However, there is only so much that can be done by the Ministry of Health or other authorities in spreading information. There is always the element of personal responsibility. Members of the public have an important role to play in informing themselves by listening to the official information released by the respective authorities, reading the fliers, checking the website, reading the papers and heeding the instructions given. One or two cases have been reported where the influenza seemed resistant to medication, what complications can arise by a virus’ mutation? Mutation refers to random changes in the genetic makeup of the virus. By nature, this process is completely unpredictable. It is therefore difficult to say with any degree of certainty what complications can arise if the virus mutates. One of the possible outcomes is that it can become adapted to the medications used to treat the flu. This most commonly happens when persons start a course of antiviral medications but do not take ALL of the medication (usually because they have started to feel better). This gives some “stronger” viruses the chance to survive and to reproduce, leading to a new batch of “stronger” viruses than the originals. In a short time, those stronger viruses can replace the originals and become the dominant circulating virus, which is more difficult to treat. Another outcome is that viruses may become more “virulent” meaning capable of causing worse illness. Large numbers of persons may become severely ill if this happens—a situation which can put great strain on the workforce and the health care system. GUIDELINES FOR H1N1The public needs to know and follow the guidelines currently being issued by the Ministry of Health with regard to: Respiratory etiquette
Hand hygiene
Social distancing behaviours
In children, also be aware of:
Do you need a mask?Masks are needed in specific situations:
In the local setting masks are not needed and, in fact, their improper use can increase risk of infection by lulling persons into a false sense of security. Please note the following: