Not only has enrolment increased at the St. Augustine Campus of The UWI, but our graduation ceremonies have swollen to accommodate the almost 4000 students completing their various programmes. In this special Graduation 2011 issue of UWI Today, we carry the speeches given by six of our eight honorary graduates: Reginald Dumas, Anantanand Rambachan, Fenton Ramsahoye, Brian Lara, Roy Cape, Jackie Hinkson, Helen Bhagwansingh and Kamaluddin Mohammed, as well as the six valedictorians: Anaïs Joseph, Bernice Robinson, David Milne, Dexnell Peters, Fameeda Mohammed and Meera Rampersad-Janglee. As space is a constraint, some of the speeches have been edited in the paper edition, but they are all available online in their entirety. Also available online are the citations and the Chancellor’s address. Our congratulations to all our graduates.
All the graduation photos used in this issue were taken by PIPS, unless otherwise indicated.