Break the Silence: End Child Sexual Abuse


Networks and Groups  |  BTS Networks  | Children's Groups |


What are the Break the Silence Networks?

The main aim of the BTS Networks is to create and sustain a ground swell of support and activism among members, who in turn, take the campaign to their various publics through several Calls to Action. The Networks main task is to get the message out and to sustain the message through:

  • the formation of BTS school/community groups/teams
  • the instigation and coordination of BTS events and activities

This Network or collective, under the Institute for Gender and Development Studies at The University of the West Indies, is a way to bring together, house and to recognize the tireless work of the members of the Break the Silence Network and their teams.

The members of the Network represent a diverse mix of people who are passionate, committed and driven and include NGOs, CBOs, government agencies, service providers, sponsors, schools and institutions, community workers, individuals and activists. It is a collaborative initiative which brings together members’ experience and expertise to the mission. Members recognize the need to keep the campaign alive through sustained activities in communities and across all sectors of our society.

The BTS Network provides opportunities for advocacy, networking and technical and research information exchange which can be fulfilling both at a personal and civic level.

As a Network we continue to seek new partners who share the common mission of putting an end to Child Sexual Abuse locally and regionally.
