School of Education

Dr. Paulson Skerrit


St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Dr. Paulson Skerrit has a Bachelor of Education in Primary Education- Special Needs Education; a Master of Science. in Teacher Education- Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; and a PhD. in Education- Literacy Studies. He has taught at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the Deaf Education programme at the University of Tennessee, the Special Education programme at The University of Trinidad and Tobago, and now continues his work as a teacher educator in the area of Reading Education as a Lecturer at the School of Education, The UWI, St. Augustine Campus. Paulson partners with non-governmental organizations such as the Dyslexia Association, the National Centre for Persons with Disabilities, and The Trinidad and Tobago Association for the Hearing Impaired to promote educational and career opportunities for at-risk youths. Dr. Skerrit’s own research agenda spans the following areas: reading education for struggling readers; education of the Deaf and hard of hearing; and professional sign language interpreting. His community work involves the following undertakings: training sign language interpreters and advocating for the role of sign language interpreters; coordinating the roll-out of an interpreting and information relay service via the CVAS (Communication Video Relay Service) platform for the Deaf and the Blind; and developing policy and programmes to improve the academic achievements of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Paulson is an avid hiker and cyclist.

Link to Dr. Skerrit's Research page

Lecturer in the Reading Education and Literacy Studies
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/83826

Curriculum Vitae

Paulson Skerrit CV_2022.pdf