Marlene Attzs-60.jpgAdvisor, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal
Institutional Effectiveness and Strategy

Dr. Marlene Attzs, a Development Economist, joined the University community in 1998 and has served as Lecturer, Head of the Department of Economics, and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. She was also a founding member of the Sustainable Economic Development Unit, a specialized research unit in the Department of Economics. Sustainable Development is one of Dr Attzs’ key areas of research. 

She has consulted for governmental, non-governmental and international agencies have taken her across the Caribbean, Central America, and to Washington D.C., where she was employed as a Consultant in the Sustainable Development Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Key among her responsibilities as Advisor is providing information, interpretation, analysis, and commentary on qualitative and quantitative institutional and sector data. This information is to assist the Campus Principal with evidence-based strategic planning and decision-making, and identifying areas for improvement, so as to add value to students while increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Dr. Attzs' portfolio in the OCP also lays the foundation for a data-driven and strategy-led management culture to enable the St. Augustine Campus to achieve its strategic goals and maintain its competitive advantage.