Caribbean Centre for Health Systems Research and Development

"Better Health Systems...Healthier Lives."

Oral Health Research Unit

The Research Unit within the School of Dentistry will allow for a more focused research agenda and impactful research outcomes. The Unit will be expected to leverage these relationships and partnerships noted above at national, regional and international levels to compound the reach and impact of it research outputs, inclusive of delivering a more integrated and effective outreach programme. 

The aim of the Unit is:

  • To be a collaborative regional centre of excellence in dental research and policy advice on oral health issues, through dissemination of scientific knowledge findings and outreach, thus enabling effective evidence-based decision-making to improve the quality of life of people in the Caribbean.
Objectives include:
  • Examining emerging trends in the dental field (technology, equipment, etc) and applicability to dental care in the Caribbean.
  • Developing a framework for the establishment of a Caribbean wide Practice Based Research group, involving dental practitioners in research activity coordinated by the School
  • Providing a platform to engage with national and regional governments and industry.
  • Producing research evidence to inform health policy relevant to the oral health care needs of the Caribbean.

The Unit will also serve as a home for oral health policy analysis, advice and work together with existing entities of the St. Augustine Campus, such as the Office of Research Development and Knowledge Transfer, the Campus Bursary, other faculties and departments in securing consultancy and grant (donor) support for commissioned research projects, national oral health surveys and disease surveillance.