Campus I.T. Services

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E-Research Support

The support of research staff and students in their use of Information Technology (IT) including support of their desktop systems, research systems and servers.

CITS will:

  • Provide support to researchers on departmental and research group owned workstation platforms
  • Ensure systems are patched via appropriate automatic systems
  • Ensure systems are running up to date Anti-virus software where applicable
  • Provide central hosting and running of Departmental or research group owned servers work with research groups to pilot use of novel IT technologies
  • Via the Campus Information Technology Services (CITS) Software shop, arrange software licenses and purchase of software at good prices provide and manage license servers for University wide or departmental software which require this
  • Develop and introduce new services for research groups and recommend and provide file storage and backup strategies
  • Provide advice on design and purchasing of research IT facilities
  • Provide advice on security issues such as deployment of local firewalls to protect sensitive data provide central file storage at a reasonable cost.

Customers will:

  • Work with CITS on new research requirements and initiatives
  • Seek advice on appropriate devices and compatibility with the University computing environment before purchase of new research systems
  • Register research computers with CITS