University Business Applications are owned by the individual Support Services Divisions. The Campus Information Technology Services (CITS) Business Applications Support team works closely with these divisions to manage issues via the CITS Service Desk and coordinate support, including access permissions, ensuring appropriate security of data and applications. Desktop set up requirements are handled in conjunction with the CITS Faculty support teams.
Support of University Business Applications is heavily dependent on application software from external suppliers. Consequently, standard resolution times will sometimes be exceeded and CITS will seek agreement from the customer representatives on these occasions.
The major business applications are listed below:
- Banner
- PeopleSoft
- Moodle
- E-Learning
Finance Applications
- Account Receivables (AR)
- Accounts Payable (AP)
- Bank Payments System (BACS)
- Purchasing & online auctions system (PO)
- Cash Management system (CM)
- General Ledger (GL)
- Fixed Assets (Fixed Assets)
- Online Payables invoice scans repository (Omnidox)
- Purchasing Punch-out and XML system (Oracle Exchange)
- Cheque Generation (Secure Cheque)
- Planning and Budgets application (Hyperion)
- Web payments (Web payments)
- Bank and Tax transfer interfaces (HRSS)
- B2B interfaces (OB10)
- Supplier auctions (iSourcing)
HR Related Applications
- HR (staff records) system (HR)
- CITS Holiday Booking System (ICAMS)
- Individual CID Generator
- Casual Worker Database (Temp Bank)
- Employee Self Service (HRSS)
- Learning Management system (OLM)
- Payroll system (PAY)
- SAUL and USS interfaces (SAUL, USS)
- Labour Distribution system (LD)
- I-recruitment (I-recruitment)
Other Related Applications
- Service Desk
- Web Portal
Student Related Applications
- My E-Learning
- Oracle Student System (OSS)
- Departmental Student System (DSS) UK Border Agency link (UKBA)
- Student self-service and Admissions (OSS e-Service, OSS e-Admissions) Student Portal and Timetables (My-Imperial, MyTimetable)
- Student Accommodation system (Kx-SAC) Post Graduate application system (Embark)
- CRM systems (CARE and Disability Management) Student Online Evaluation System (SOLE)
- HESA, UCAS, student loans interfaces, Student Union feed
Business Services
CITS will:
- Make the University’s business systems available for customer access during normal business hours
- Action approved requests to set up new users and change the set up on existing user accounts
- Make changes to the applications during agreed “at risk” times, where possible;
- Notify customers of planned maintenance and outages outside the scheduled “at risk” times giving 2 weeks advance notice respond to customer queries and resolve them in house, where possible
- Work with 3rd party application suppliers to resolve issues, where necessary
- Agree with customers the action to be taken where the standard SLA resolution times will be exceeded (e.g. Resolution requires a new release from the supplier)
- Provide workaround solutions where possible when the resolution time is extended
- Agree with customers implementation of small enhancements to services and systems, subject to approval of project boards and liaising with development teams as required
- Agree SLA terms with application suppliers to ensure they are aligned with the overall CITS SLA
Customers will:
- Agree appropriate access permissions for departmental staff and submit requests for access permissions via the CITS Service Desk report perceived errors in data to the CITS Service Desk
- Work with CITS to investigate incidents and provide any required further information raise requests for change or enhancement through the CITS Service Desk