What you can do to fight or control SPAM?
Use the CITS Server Side Email Filters to help manage your mail. You can filter the unwanted mail to a Junk folder and it will delete itself after a set period.
Opt out – When you register at any Web site, look for a little check box near the end of the user agreement. Many websites require that you receive email from them, and the nice ones give you the choice to opt out of receiving email from their ‘partners.’ If the opt-in box is pre selected, you’ve just opted in to additional unsolicited email. I have noticed that when some websites are ‘sold’, the new owners do not necessarily honor the opt out clauses. They are purchasing the customer base and intend to market those customers.
Should you use the Remove me from this junk mail option?
Often spam offers you the opportunity to be removed from their mailing lists. This sounds attractive – just let them know you want to be removed and no more spam! Some people, however, believe that this is just a ploy by spammers to ensure that they are sending to active email addresses – after all, if you respond then your email address is valid. If you do request removal, and find you still receive emails from that organization you may then want to add the ‘sender’ of those emails to your block senders list.
Set up two email accounts.
A regular email account, (sta.uwi.edu) and one of the free email services, (gmail, yahoo etc.) and only use it in situations where your email address may be posted publicly – newsgroups or registering on a website. This can reduce the amount of SPAM sent to your main email address, but the drawback is that you now have two email addresses and mailboxes to manage.
Spam Reporting, Virus, Hoax and Anti-Scam Resources:
Federal Trade Commission: http://www.ftc.gov
McAfee Anti-Virus site: http://www.mcafee.com
Norton Anti-Virus site: http://www.symantec.com
Spam Cop: Report your unwanted SPAM through http://www.spamcop.net
‘Truth about computer security hysteria’: http://www.Vmyths.com
NOTE: CITS, the Webmaster, Marketing & Communications, the Principal etc. will NEVER ask members of staff to forward their username or password for any purpose.
The UWI will NEVER solicit funds from members of staff by sending an email ONLY. Scholarships, Grants and any other Funding Opportunities will be countersigned by trustees of the office and will ONLY be advertised from an established UWI body such as the Office of Research, School for Graduate Studies, Campus Registrar etc.
ALL Official Campus Email communication will be sent from an email address ending in @sta.uwi.edu.
Please report any suspicious email to your LAN Administrator or email the Campus Chief Information Officer.