Campus I.T. Services

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Transitioning to the new myeLearning

MyeLearning is an online learning environment specifically tailored for The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine campus. It is our customized version of Moodle, and is intended to meet our teaching and learning needs by providing a virtual space where we can:

  • Interact, from anywhere in the world, with students and tutors in our courses;
  • upload and share course materials;
  • provide students with a range of different learning experiences by giving them access to all the resources available through the system; and
  •  manage our courses.

At the same time, as part of the University’s Course Management system myeLearning provides some measure of control over who can access our course sites, and what permissions they have.

For further information about the features and functions of the environment, or for any assistance in using myeLearning, please contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Click on each of the questions below to get the associated answer.

About the transition

Why is the new version being implemented?

The current version of myeLearning was implemented in 2007 and the last major upgrade was in 2009. The old version is no longer supported and will be discontinued for use by STUDENTS by August 8th 2016.  The new version allows the University to create a new, polished interface allowing for a consistent user experience, in alignment with other systems across the Campuses of the University.

What are some of the changes in the new myeLearning?

In the new version the communication system, grading and layout of learning material has been improved. Some new features include drag and drop file handling, bulk upload of materials, mobile and tablet support.

Will the old version be available when the new version has been implemented?

Due to international accreditation and auditing requirements, the old site will remain accessible to Teaching Staff only for a minimum of two years. No new requests for access will be facilitated to the old site during this time.

When the new version is “live”, how can I access the old system to get content from my previously delivered course?

The old site will be accessible worldwide at the following URL:

Once the new version is “live”, can my students access the old system?

Students will not be permitted login access to be able to access the old / archived environment.

How do I log into the new myeLearning?

For Staff: You may login to the new environment once you have a valid employment contract with the University. Once active, you would initially receive an email in your UWI email account with your username (Staff ID) and a temporary password. If you have not received these credentials, please contact Campus IT Services Service Desk:
For Students: Students must be currently registered in Banner and have no outstanding financial obligations. You may login using the Student Portal at

What if I forget my username?

If you are a Staff member, your username is your Staff ID Number.

Students access myeLearning through the Student Portal. The username for the student portal is your student ID number.

What if I forget my password?

For Staff: If you forget your password or you want to change the password you are using, you may get a new password using the self-service password reset.

From the login page, use the “Forgot Password” button and enter your Staff ID number in the appropriate field. An email would be instantly sent to your email address on file with a temporary password and further instructions. There is also the option to contact the Campus IT

For Students: Students may contact Campus IT Services ServiceDesk: for a Portal Password reset.

How do I request a course shell on myeLearning?

There is no need for you to request a course shell in myeLearning once the course was created in Banner. All courses in Banner are automatically entered in myeLearning and registered students who have financial clearance for the appropriate year/term would have access to these course shells. Lecturers of the course must then request teaching access to the course.

How do I request teaching access to my course?

Teaching access is now provided via “Enrolment Keys”. For each course, a unique and random key is generated by the system for each teaching role based on request. You may request keys for the desired role in the course (Non-Editing Teacher or Editing Teacher) whether from your faculty office or from Campus IT Services, through our new Service Catalogue.

What is the difference between the roles of Teacher (Non-Editing) and Editing Teacher on myeLearning?

Teacher (Non Editing) – When you have this role in a MyeLearning course you can see student grades, read their assignments, view their activity, give them marks etc.
Teacher (Editor) – When you have this role in a MyeLearningMyeLearning course, in addition to the above you can edit the course.

How do I make courses available to students?

Active Students who are registered in Banner and are Financially Cleared automatically have access to all of their respective courses, whether they contain content or not.

Why are there instances when, even though I am able to login, I can’t see my courses for this term?

Courses are uploaded in myeLearning once they have been created in Banner. If you are not seeing your course it may be because you did not request access as a teacher in the course. Lecturers have to request teaching access for their respective courses in order to be able to see the courses.

Can I re-use content from the old myeLearning?

Re-use of content such as resources (documents, links to external content) is possible, but activities such as assignments or quizzes, are affected when transferred. It is not recommended to reuse old activities. If you choose to re-use content, please see our step-by-step guide and videos for further assistance.

I understand the risks. How do I re-use content from the old system?

Please see our step-by-step guide and videos for further assistance.

I’m having technical issues with the myeLearning site, how do I get help?

If you are having technical difficulties, issues logging in, or other related errors, please contact the Campus IT Services ServiceDesk:

What is the myeLearning Service Catalogue, and why should I use it?

The myeLearning Service Catalogue is a series of web-based forms that has been integrated with the Campus IT Services Service Desk software. This allows the team to efficiently manage and prioritize all incoming requests for assistance or service in a timely manner as defined in our Service Level Agreement. The myeLearning service catalogue is available here.

How do I learn more about the features and functions of the new myeLearning for teaching?

In the Main Menu on the myeLearning homepage, there is a special course which can help you get started, titled myeLearningmyeLearning101 for Lecturers, which contains documents and resources that can help you get started.

To find out more about using the new myeLearning for teaching, please contact the blended learning team at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: