Feature Presenter

Feature Address to COTE- Dr. Compton Bourne

Panel 1: Caribbean Economic Situation & Projections

Business Cycle Dynamics in Trinidad and Tobago - Dr. Alvin Hilaire

Fiscal Consolidation with Medium term growth in the Caribbean - Mr. Dillon Alleyne

Jamaica and the Global Financial Crisis - Dr. Gene Leon

Panel 2: International Trade Issues

RCA Persistence and the Dutch Disease in a small oil-based economy and the associated policy implications - Mr. Damie Sinanan and Dr. Roger Hosein
An investigation into the Real Natural Trading Partner of selected CARICOM countries. - Mr. Jeetendra Khadan
International Trade: Grappling with Current Issues - Mr. Norris Herbert

Panel 3: Challenges to Development

Patterns of Caribbean Livelihoods- Ms. Corine Gregoire
Poverty and the Environment in the Caribbean: Identifying a framework for Sustainable Development - Ms. Donna Ramjattan

Governance and National Budgeting - Trinidad and Tobago in an International Comparative Context - Ms. Malini Maharaj

MFIs, sustainable economic development and disaster risk management in the Caribbean - Dr. Marlene Attz

Business Forum: Facing up to the Diversification Challenge – Issues for Trinidad & Tobago and the Wider Caribbean

The Diversification Promise: New Business Opportunities - Ms. Angella Persad

The Diversification Challenge for Caribbean Economies - Dr. Ramdath Dwarka

Meeting the Diversification Challenge: Lessons From Point Lisas - Mr. Gregory McGuire

Economic Policy Formation and Programme Implementation in the Context of the Caribbean Reality - Mr. Kelvin Sergeant


Panel 1: Labour and Human Capital Development

Ten Portals of Entry to Potentially Fruitful Analysis / Discourse on Labour and Human Capital Development - Dr. Roy D. Thomas
Facilitating informal sector traders in the Caribbean: the case of Guyana, Dominica and Jamaica - Mr. Martin Franklin

Labour and Human Capital Development: Examining the Levels of Human Capital Development in Trinidad and Tobago - Ms. Rosa Mae Whittier

Caribbean Embassies: Bridging the gap between the Caribbean Diaspora and the Home Country as part of an initiative to stimulate growth and development in the region - Ms. Samantha C. Joseph

Panel 2: The Diversification Challenges for Caribbean Economies – Cultural Aspects

Transforming Attitude, reframing actions: a pathway to cultural sector development : Dr. Suzanne Burke

Strengthening the Creative Economy: The Role of ICTs and IPRs - Mr. Brian Khan

Panel 3: In search of an Appropriate Regime for Caribbean Economic Diversification

How Many Caribbeans in the Second Decade of the 21st Century? vulnerable? resilient? informal and/or illegal? -Professor Timothy Shaw



Panel 1: Role of the Departments of Economics in Charting the Way Forward for Caribbean Development

The Role of the Department of Economics in Development - Mr. Martin Franklin


COTE 2010: The Rappoteurs Report