Presentation Formats
The following presentation formats are available in 2013:
Individual papers
A paper session includes research reports and theoretical papers. Up to three papers will comprise a session. Each presenter will have no more than 20 minutes to deliver their paper. Following presentations, 15 minutes will be reserved for open discussion. Presenters MUST provide the audience with 1-2 page summaries that include presenter’s name and institutional affiliation, topic of the research, research questions, key findings, conclusions, and main references cited.
Round tables
Roundtable presentations are intended for use by graduate students who are at a very advanced stage of preparation of their theses, and by researchers who wish to discuss working papers in a small group setting. One presenter will be scheduled per table with an audience of 5-6 persons. Round tables permit close and informal interactions among presenters and their audience. Presentation time is 20 minutes followed by 20 minutes of discussion for a total time of 40 minutes.
A symposium focuses on one significant issue or theme in education. It consists of a session chair, 3-4 presenters and a discussant speaking to a unified theme. 90 minutes will be allocated of which 20 minutes must be reserved for interaction with the audience. Symposium proposers are responsible for providing their own session chair and discussant. Symposium themes must be tied directly to the conference theme.
Research posters of size 36”x 24” may be presented. Typically, posters provide graphical summaries of research processes and products, and are accompanied by narration and explanation from a presenter. Individual researchers/single authors are limited to presenting ONE poster; groups/multiple authors may present up to THREE posters. Persons may present posters both as individual and group authors.