Guidelines to Presenters
Oral Presentations
- Total time for presentations including questions is 15 minutes. This will be strictly monitored. Invited speakers have been allocated 30 minutes.
- Presentations should be provided on Microsoft Windows-based Microsoft Power Point (up to and including 2007 version).
- Video and audio codec’s may or may not be supported. If you are using video or sound in your presentation please arrange to test your presentatio well in advance of your session.
- Presentations should be submitted on a CD or memory stick as early as possible (preferably at the beginning the day) and at least an hour prior to your session.
- Please name the file with your name and session number.
- Files will be loaded onto a PC and prepared for your presentation. Remote mouse and laser pointer will be provided. Technicians will be available.
- Posters will be presented both as hardcopy and e-posters (online).
- Poster should be portrait size of 51cm x 76cm (20 x 30 inches).
- All poster presenters are also required to bring the hardcopy of the poster.
- Participants have to put up their posters at the respective space according the code given and are responsible to their own posters.
General information for full paper
- Please refer to ISHS Authors Guide: Publishing in Acta Horticulturae Length of the Printed Paper
- All symposium verbal and poster presentations are eligible for publication in the proceedings if a suitable manuscript is prepared according to the "ISHS
- Authors Guide" and submitted on time to the Convener of the meeting. The convener will send the manuscript to the Editorial Board for reviewing.
- Manuscripts should be as concise as possible in order to reduce to a minimum the number of pages of Acta Horticulturae.
- As a general rule the maximum recommended length of an invited paper is 16 pages and of a submitted oral paper or poster is 8 pages,
including figures and tables