The Department of Behavioural Sciences at St. Augustine is a multidisciplinary department, comprising the disciplinary units - Sociology, Psychology, Social Work and Criminology.
The Department’s vision is, “to enhance knowledge, understanding and analysis of social reality through high quality research and teaching, with specific emphasis on the Caribbean environment.”
In order to understand the realities and challenges in the Caribbean today, the Department is hosting the 2nd Biennial Department of Behavioural Sciences Postgraduate Research Conference. This Conference offers current postgraduate students, ex-students, researchers, and faculty, across the University, an opportunity to present, develop and get feedback on their work.
The title of the conference is “The Caribbean Today: Facing Challenges and Assessing Opportunities Through Postgraduate Research”. It will be held on
April 9/10, 2015.
The conference will provide postgraduate students and researchers the opportunity to showcase and disseminate their research about the Caribbean. It will provide current postgraduate students with feedback intended to improve the quality of their work. The conference will develop and inculcate self-confidence. It will also allow postgraduate students to view and hear the characteristics and elements of successful research.
The conference also offers all participants and attendees the chance to network with each other and professionals in the public and private sector as well as academic staff at UWI. Ultimately, it is hoped that this event will prepare young academic minds for thinking about the future development of the Caribbean through their research findings.