Overcoming Challenges to Developing Sustainable Agri-food systems in the Tropics
Contact Us
Professor Lawrence Wilson
Faculty of Science & Agriculture
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
E-mail: lawrence.awilson@sta.uwi.edu
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002 ext.3257
Professor Pathmanathan Umaharan,
Department of Life Sciences,
Deputy Dean, Enterprise Development & Outreach
Faculty of Science & Agriculture
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
E-mail: pathmanathan.umaharan@sta.uwi.edu
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002 ext.3108
Congress Secretariat
Mrs. Indira Ousman
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Dean
Faculty of Science & Agriculture
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Tel: 868-663-1334 x3903
Fax: 868-663-9686
Email: tacongress.uwi60@sta.uwi.edu
Ms. Marissa Moses
Office of the Dean
Faculty of Science & Agriculture
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Tel: 868-663-1334 x3903
Fax: 868-663-9686
Email: mmoses@sta.uwi.edu
Ms. Michelle John
c/o Business Development Unit/External Programme in Agriculture (BDU/EPA)
Dean’s office,
Faculty of Science & Agriculture
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002 ext.2318, 3322 or (868)-662-2686
Email: tacongress.uwi60@sta.uwi.edu