Overcoming Challenges to Developing Sustainable Agri-food systems in the Tropics
Background and rationale
The recent food price inflation and the inability of the Caribbean region to respond to such price shocks have created considerable economic instability and hardship to the peoples of the region. This has prompted countries within the region to prioritize their efforts on food security and poverty alleviation, and to restructure the agriculture sector to overcome the challenges.
In addition to insulating the region from global food shortages, the restructuring exercise should focus on overcoming agricultural challenges posed by globalization, as well as mitigating the effects of the frequent hurricanes that ravage the Caribbean landscape, and predicted climate change scenarios. There are also questions of sustainability of the present agricultural systems and tensions between ‘green agriculture’ and ‘modern’ technologies. The restructuring process should include a review of the agricultural and land use policy, research and development agenda as well as the appropriateness of the education, training and extension system taking into account global trends. In addition, issues such as policy implementation, praedial larceny, physical infrastructure development and regional cooperation efforts within the CSME should be given consideration. It is becoming increasingly evident that agriculture in the region should be strategic, knowledge-driven and technology based, so that it can remain competitive and profitable.
The interventions
As part of the 60th Anniversary Celebrations, the University of the West Indies (UWI) is embarking on a series of activities to aid in the restructuring and revitalization of the agriculture industry in the region, with the aim of achieving food security, poverty alleviation and wealth creation.
Congress on Sustainable Agri-food Systems in the Tropics
Globally, agriculture is facing numerous challenges due to limited and or deteriorating arable lands, leveling of crop productivity, growing demand for food in India and China, and the escalating demand for biofuels. However, the response of tropical countries, which to a large extent are developing, has been generally poor, due to lack of innovation, poor organization and the lack of resources available to quickly respond to global agricultural changes. The challenges in small island developing states are even greater due to high pressures on arable land for urban development and tourism as well as other sustainability concerns.
AgriTECH Expo
Highlights of the planned activities include an AGRITECH EXPO featuring the latest technologies driving agriculture, globally, presented in a modern farm setting at the University Field Station (April, 2008); a launch of an interactive AGRIFOOD WEBSITE to bring greater awareness to modern technologies and share best-practices around the region and a Congress on “Sustainable Agri-food Systems in the Tropics” to bring a global perspective on the common way forward for tropical countries in general and the Caribbean in particular given the challenges mentioned above.
Congress objectives:
The overall goal of the congress is to develop an appropriate international and regional response to the challenges facing Tropical Agri-food Systems.
The specific objectives of the CONGRESS are:
- to investigate a socio-economic response to globalization challenges facing tropical agriculture.
- to explore innovations in global marketing systems and opportunities for tropical countries to expand markets.
- to investigate the technological response to the challenges facing tropical agriculture – addressing specifically the production and post-production issues.
- to explore an appropriate response to mitigate climate change events and investigate opportunities for disaster mitigation.
- to investigate innovations in education and extension globally and lessons that can be applied for tropical agriculture.
- to chart a way forward for achieving food security in the Caribbean in the face of the myriad challenges that face regional agriculture.
- to develop a system to organize the tropical countries so that tropical agriculture can have a voice in global agriculture.
Organization and themes:
The response will consist of an International Conference and a Workshop focusing on Caribbean issues.
- The first three days of conference will be devoted to addressing international perspectives facing tropical agriculture.
The issues identified in the objectives will be addressed in three thematic areas
over the first three days. Each of the thematic areas will include one or two keynote speakers of international repute.
- Global socio-economic issues and foresighting
- Innovations in production and post-production technologies
- Innovations in agricultural education and extension
An international tropical agriculture society will be proposed during the meeting with an International Board of Directors to chart the way forward for tropical agriculture in an international context. A number of key scientists who have contributed to tropical agriculture will be recognized.
- The last two days of the congress will be allocated to a Workshop addressing issues relating to food security and poverty alleviation in the Caribbean.
Each CARICOM country will present a short presentation on the current situation, priorities, and approach to food security. These will form the discussion of a harmonized strategy for food security in the Caribbean.
Expected outcome
Proceedings of the conference and workshop on overcoming challenges facing tropical agri-food systems will be published. A Tropical Agricultural Society will be established with a Board of Directors and a constitution to allow a coordinated response to global challenges. Within this umbrella organization, other sub-regional organizations will be fostered.
The regional workshop during the last two days will result in a consensus position on the way forward for the Caribbean, which will be submitted to the CARICOM/COTED for discussion.