Want to know more about MGMT3087?


 Would you like to be your own boss when you graduate?  Do you have an innovative idea? If you do, we can provide you with the necessary tools and support that will help you to develop your idea and to turn it into a bankable business.  We will even provide you with expertise, venture capital or financing, office space, and support services and put you in touch with the best minds in the business.


Do you fit this profile? Then read on.


The University of the West Indies is offering a new course in Entrepreneurship and Innovation to final year students in the Faculties of Engineering, Social Sciences, Science and Agriculture, and Humanities and Education.

This is the first activity in a continuing programme in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Wealth Creation in partnership with Republic Bank Limited.


This course, entitled Entrepreneurship and Innovation, offers you an exciting opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur. If you have or can come up with a good business idea, this course will help you to decide upon and develop your idea and give you the knowledge to overcome the key challenges facing new entrepreneurs


Here is a chance to do something different and to make your education even more exciting! Seize the day!


The attached brochure provides all the details that you would require.  If you are interested in registering for this course, please send your telephone number along with a brief explanation of why you wish to pursue this course to eiwc@sta.uwi.edu.


Enrolment is limited to 30 so apply now!