Hear what our customers have to say about Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Wealth Creation



How did the idea for your business come about?

While attending UWI and working on several research projects I found that there was a paucity of obtaining data and information specific to Trinidad. I mulled it over in my head for a while and realized there must be a need for providing this type of service. In 2002 I took a loan which I used to purchase a laptop and a printer. This signaled the birth of the business. From then onwards I have sought to fill the research gap by providing this specialised service to individuals, the government sector and the private sector in a bid to meet and surpass their research needs.


What motivates you?

My motivation stems from wanting to be the best. Being a part of a twin I have always found myself competing to be noticed. I have channeled this competitive spirit into my business and this really pushes me to think of ways of continuously improving our services. I am always asking myself: What can I do to push the boundaries to gain a competitive edge? How can I provide a service that will have customers talking about us and coming back to us to service their needs? Trying to find answers to these questions keeps me alert and motivates me to keep growing.


How do you generate new ideas?

New ideas can come from anywhere: the radio, newspapers, television and even casual conversation. The trick is to always be aware and have an alert and open mind. The simplest thing can generate a new idea that leads to wealth creation. I have said with $1 (the cost of a newspaper) you can make thousands of dollars. 


What advice can you give for gaining long-term success?

To gain long-term success it is important not to view success as a destination but rather as a journey by which one takes small steps. It is important to approach your business venture wholeheartedly and make concerted efforts to excel in every aspect of the operation. When you work hard and devote yourself to providing an excellent product it will be appreciated by your customers and success will follow.


Did you follow some sort of pattern or formula to become successful entrepreneur?

There is really no simple formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Many factors are involved in becoming a successful entrepreneur. I believe that having a clear vision of one’s goals, having the tenacity and drive to achieve them and taking above average risks have all led to me being where I am today. To be sure an integral component to success is hard work.


What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

I once heard that starting your own business is like having a baby. I am not too sure how accurate an analogy that is but being a successful entrepreneur involves sacrifice. You have to sacrifice a lot of your time, time that you may have spent ‘liming’ with friends and family. It quickly hits you that time is a very precious commodity and as a teacher of mine said once time is gone it can never be recaptured. Another sacrifice made is giving up your immediate wants for the good of the business. For instance, there have been times that I have found myself looking at nice (and expensive) vehicles and weighing the costs and benefits of purchasing that as compared to acquiring several new computers or re-investing in the business. It all comes down to which one will provide greater returns in the future.