Student Name Project Title
Arielle Raghoo Design and Development of a Cell Phone Top: A Conceptual Framework.
Sarah Rooplal Design and Development of a laboratory-based Toy Car concept. 
Schuravi Mallian  Additive versus Subractive Manufacturing Methods : A Comparative Approach for the Design and Development of an Airfoil Profile.
Surrendra Gunness Influence of Geometry Based Issues on the Accuracy of FDM Prototyped Parts.
Kester Clarke Revamp of the Inherited hand-drawn archive at Petrotrin-Trinmar Operations Drawing Office to Digital Drawings.
Lakha Mattoo Design and Development of Laboratory Based Anatomical Models with Design Issues as a Focus.

Rudranath Armoogam

Design, Fabricate And Test A Radio Controlled Device To Collect Floating Litter From Ponds, Bays And Other Slow Moving Waterways.

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