The Master of Education (Health Promotion) Programme will:
- meet the demands of the HIV epidemic by producing highly skilled personnel with specialized advanced training, so that the Caribbean education sector can mount a vigorous response to HIV/AIDS and other priority health issues
- advance scholarship in the area of Health and Family Life Education so that the capacity and response of the Caribbean education sector to social development and change can be strengthened
- be the flagship qualification for developing a professional career path in health and human relationships education in the education sector
- be a flagship qualification for health promotion training in the Caribbean for the health, welfare, labour, and education sectors
- provide a strong foundation for progressing to research-only higher degrees in the field of health promotion, and especially doctoral research in health promotion and health and human relationships.
Target Audience
The principal target audience consists of people who:
- work in health promotion and health education
- work with adults and/or children and in the formal and informal education sectors
- health and education sectors
- and from the four main UWI countries as well as the ‘Open Campus Countries'.
Participants include:
- professionals in the formal school sector, curriculum developers, teacher trainers, teachers, and educational administrators
- health and Family Life educators
- tertiary sector staff, particularly those in train-the-trainer relationships, such as the staff of teachers’ colleges
- workers in the non-formal education sector whose role includes health promotion
- counselling, guidance, and social workers
- nurse educators
- creative arts and communication workers
- youth workers and officers from the Ministry of Youth
- professionals employed in workplace health and safety programmes
- designated health promotion workers
- health and education sector administrators, policy-makers, planners, and implementers
Seven Components of the MEd Health Promotion Programme
HEPR6001: The health & human relationship knowledge base
- Nurture and nature
- Sexual and reproductive health
HEPR6002: Risk in the context of modern social life
- People and their relationships in modern society
- People and their risks in modern society
HEPR6003: Strategies, skills, & interventions for promoting health
- Analytical and theoretical applications of behavioural change models and theories
- Health promotion in relation to changing health practices
- Operationalization of the Caribbean Charter for health promotion - roles and responsibilities
- Health promoting institutions - impact and sustainability of interventions
EDRS6208: Fundamentals of Educational Research I
- Nature of educational research
- Designing and implementing research in the empirical-analytical tradition
EDRS6210: Fundamentals of Educational Research II
- Different approaches to educational research
- Designing research in the naturalistic paradigm
HEPR6005: Professional Development Electives and Fieldwork
EDRS6900: Research Project
Structure of the MEd Health Promotion Programme
Admission Requirements
A bachelor’s degree in health, education, science, or social sciences from an approved university, with at least lower second-class standing.
Credits and Attendance
40 credit points and 75% attendance are required to successfully complete the master’s programme.
The programme runs on a two-year, part-time basis.
Summary of Programme Structure
The programme is designed to maximize access to the programme by professionals working in health promotion and the health education field, and to maximize access to the programme by professionals who are based elsewhere in the Caribbean, particularly in the Open Campus countries.
In order to achieve these outcomes, the programme is:
- run on a part-time basis, over two years, to allow health and education professionals to continue their duties at their home base while undertaking advanced training
- delivered using a combination of intensive face-to-face teaching and distance modalities
- delivered face-to-face components will be delivered in residential school blocks in Trinidad during the Summer school and pre-Christmas periods, using face-to-face components
- accessible via distance components from the student's home base, and will include activities such as professional development, fieldwork and development of literature reviews.
Course Structure
Year 1
- HEPR6001: The health and human relationships knowledge base
- HEPR6002: Risk in the context of modern social lives
- HEPR6003: Strategies, skills and interventions for promoting health
- HEPR6005: Professional Development Electives and Fieldwork
- EDRS6208: Fundamentals of Education Research I
- EDRS6210: Fundamentals of Educational Research II
Year 2
- EDRS6900: Research project
- HEPR6003: Strategies, Skills and Interventions for Promoting Health
- EDRS6210: Fundamentals of Educational Research II
Contact Information:
Coordinator: Dr. Bernice Dyer-Regis Phone: (868) 662-2002 Extension: 83129 Fax: (868) 662-6615
Ms. Kelly Quintal
Phone: (868) 662-2002
Extension: 83337
Fax: (868) 662-6615