Context and Background

In today's fast-paced world, creative and innovative thinking is essential. Employers value the ability to make sense of new ideas, communicate them effectively, approach challenges from different perspectives, and generate original solutions. The workshop offers a variety of tools aimed at enhancing natural creativity, some for individual use and others for group collaboration. These tools can be adapted to suit specific needs and interests.


Learning Objectives for the Workshop

Participants will learn how to:

  • Understand the principles and importance of creative thinking.
  • Identify and overcome common barriers to creativity.
  • Apply various creative thinking techniques and tools.
  • Generate innovative ideas and solutions.
  • Collaborate effectively in a creative environment.


Key Take-Aways

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Enhanced Creative Skills: Practical tools and techniques to boost creative thinking.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities: Strategies to approach problems from new and innovative angles.
  • Collaboration Techniques: Improved ability to work creatively within teams.
  • Actionable Creativity Plan: A personal plan for integrating creative practices into daily routines


Key Topics

  1. Introduction to Creative Thinking
    This segment covers the definition and importance of creative thinking, as well as the stages of the creative process from idea generation to implementation. It also debunks myths about creativity, emphasizing that it is a skill that can be developed.
  2. Barriers to Creativity
    This focuses on overcoming mental blocks that hinder creative thinking and developing habits that foster a more imaginative approach, cultivating a creative mindset.
  3. Creative Thinking Techniques
    The segment covers various techniques for generating ideas including structured group brainstorming, mind mapping, and applying the SCAMPER technique.
  4. Problem-Solving with Creativity
    Practice identifying and framing problems creatively, utilizing lateral thinking techniques, and engaging in role-playing and simulations to find innovative solutions.
  5. Collaboration in Creativity
    Understand team dynamics in creative processes, effective communication and feedback, and building a creative culture within an organization.


The Facilitator

Dana Hayes-Burke.jpgDana Hayes-Burke is the Chief Business Strategist & Founder of DHB Vision Strategist. She is also an International Conference Speaker who has been featured or invited to speak in over 10 countries because of her work to educate, empower and build in the spaces of vision, business strategy and leadership. spoken.  With over 15 years of leadership experience in the private and public sector, Dana has built strong, empowered, and high-performing teams.  Mrs. Hayes-Burke is an alumna of the University of the West Indies and holds a Master's Degree in Management Studies with distinction.








Pricing Information

Workshop Fee: TT$1,400/US$200

  • Discount: Get a TT$500/US$70 immediate savings. Applicable to:
    • Anyone registering by June 11th, 2024.

Online payment option (bank charges of 3% applies).


When and Where

The workshop will be hosted by the Business Development Unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of the West Indies. It will utilize interactive pedagogy strategies to promote an engaging learning experience. You will be able to join this worjkshop via Zoom to participate in discussions, interactive presentations, group exercises, resource videos, and valuable articles and case examples.

The workshop will follow the schedule below:

Dates: June 13th and 14th 2024
Times: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EC/AST)

Live Lecture via Zoom.

Don't hesitate to contact Amanda at, or visit  for registration details or complete the registration form using the following link below:


Apply Now!

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