The Department's 2nd Annual Research Week


Bmobile and UWI to host Research Week

The Department hosted its 2nd Research Week from 17th - 19th April 2018.

The purpose of the Research Week is to showcase the research performed by the Department - both the Postgraduate students and faculty. 
This was our 2nd annual research week and it was sponsored by our partner TSTT.

The three days included innovative and highly informative research presentations by the faculty, students, and internal and external stakeholders.

The four sessions of the Research Week were themed as follows:

Session 1 - Marketing and Strategies for an Economy in Decline
Session 2 - Managing Human Resources to Improve Organisations' Functioning: Comtemporary Issues in Trinidad and Tobago
Session 3 - Devaluation and Financial Success for Trinidad and Tobago: Look or Leap
Session 4 - Re-visiting Governance of State Enterprises: Time for a new Paradigm

On the third day, to close off the week in striking form was the TSTT's Business Challenge, where participants presented on the topic:
Confronting the Current Industrial Relations Challenges: Advising the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

View photos from Day 2 - Faculty and External Stakeholders' presentations and Day 3 - TSTT's Business Challenge.

Focus is on Research

Dr. Acolla Lewis-Cameron, Head of the Department of Management Studies stated that "The corporate community needs to pay more attention to research since findings can lead to better decision-making."
Read more about "Focus on Research by UWI"
Article in the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Newspapers
Published: Monday April 23, 2018