Management Studies - M.Sc and PG Dip


Effective management of human, physical and financial resources is critical to organisational success. The Master of Science in Management Studies aims at equipping graduates with the theoretical background, application skills and techniques that are needed for effective management, where the core focus of the programme is the provision of analytical tools to solve business challenges. The programme provides graduates with knowledge of core areas of business strategy, business analytics and research methodology; and focused training in the graduate’s specialisation which will include General Management, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource Management.


Entry Requirements

Applicants should normally possess a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a University or College acceptable to the UWI. Such applicants should normally possess at least a Lower Second Class Honours degree and are successful at an interview to be conducted by a panel comprising at least three (3) members approved by the Head, Department of Management Studies.

Course of Study

The course of study for the M.Sc. will extend over four semesters of full-time study, with classes offered on weekday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and/or Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. The programme is divided into two sections, taught courses and the research project. The first three semesters will be spent on the taught courses, while the remaining semester will be devoted to preparation of the research project. Students within all M.Sc. Management Studies specialisations will be required to complete the following courses as part of the taught component:

MGMT 6310

Strategic Planning & Management

MGMT 6311

Applied Multivariate Statistics

MGMT 6007

Research Methodology

MGMT 6010

Research Project

In addition to the above Departmental Core courses, students will also be required to read for courses which are aligned to their chosen specialisation (i.e. General Management, Marketing, Finance or Human Resource Management), as well as electives. These will be structured as follows:

M.Sc. Management Studies (General Management)

MGMT 6312

Insights into Consumer Behaviour

MGMT 6001 

Human Resource Management 

MGMT 6004 

Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management 



M.Sc. Management Studies (Marketing)

MGMT 6312

Insights into Consumer Behaviour


MGMT 6315

Global Marketing Strategy

MGMT 6004 

Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management 




M.Sc. Management Studies (Finance)

MGMT 6118

Financial Econometrics    

MGMT 6116 Advanced Portfolio Management            
MGMT   6117  Advanced Risk Management





M.Sc. Management Studies (Human Resource Management)

MGMT 6001 

Human Resource Management 

MGMT 6313 People Resourcing & Talent Management
MGMT 6314

Organisational Behaviour




Students may choose electives from the above listing, as well as, Out of Department postgraduate courses. When registering for Out of Department courses (i.e. courses not listed above), students may need to request an override. This can be done electronically when registering for the course. However, if the electronic request is not permitted, the student can write to the Head of Department, Management Studies, to request permission to register for the course.


(i) M.Sc. students will be required to satisfy the Department as to their speaking and reading proficiency in a chosen language. The students will be required to complete two levels of any language at the Centre for Lanuage Learning, UWI.

(ii) Students will be required to attend a Statistics Workshop at the beginning of the first semester of the programme.


Duration of Study

The M.Sc. in Management Studies is offered to full-time students, with classes offered in the evenings, who normally will be expected to complete the M.Sc. within four semesters of registration.

Evaluation in all taught courses will be by coursework and final examination. Students will be required to obtain at least a grade of B (i.e. 50%) in both components of a course in order to pass the course.

Candidates failing more than one course in a semester or failing the same course twice normally will be required to withdraw from the programme.


Award of the Degree

(i) The M.Sc. in Management Studies will be awarded on successful completion of all courses and the research project.

(ii) The M.Sc. may be awarded with distinction if the candidate attains an 
overall “A” average in the courses and a similar mark in the project.


PG. Dip. Management Studies

Effective management of human, physical and financial resources is critical to organisational success. The Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies aims at equipping graduates with the theoretical background, application skills, and techniques that are needed for effective management, where the core focus of the programme is the provision of analytical tools to solve business challenges. The programme provides graduates with knowledge of core areas of Business Strategy, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource Management.


Entry Requirements

Admission to the programme will be open to persons who satisfy either of the following two sets of entry requirements.

Entry Requirements for Degreed Applicants:

Applicants under this category should possess:

•  A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a university or college acceptable to the University of the West Indies (UWI). Such applicants should possess at least a Lower Second Class honours degree.

Entry Requirements for Non-Degreed Applicants:

Applicants under this category:

• Should hold certificates/diplomas that can be assessed by the UWI,

• Should have at least five (5) years managerial experience, and

• Are successful at an interview to be conducted by a selected panel comprising at least three (3) members approved by the Head, Department of Management Studies.


Course of Study

The course of study for the Postgraduate Diploma will extend over three (3) semesters of full-time study with classes held in the evening. Candidates will be required to choose one (1) of four (4) areas of Specialisation – General Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management, or Finance.

All students will be required to take a common Departmental Core course, three (3) Specialised courses, and two (2) Electives.

Departmental Core
MGMT 6310

Strategic Management & Planning


General Management Core
MGMT 6004

Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

MGMT 6001 Human Resource Management
MGMT 6312 Insights into Consumer Behaviour


Marketing Core
MGMT 6004

Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

MGMT 6315 Global Marketing Strategy
MGMT 6312 Insights into Consumer Behaviour


Human Resource Management Core
MGMT 6001

Human Resource Management

MGMT 6313 People Resourcing & Talent Management
MGMT 6314 Organisational Behaviour


Finance Management Core
MGMT 6116

Advanced Portfolio Management

MGMT 6117 Advanced Risk Management
MGMT 6118 Financial Econometrics




Additional Requirements/Information:

• All students will be required to do two (2) levels of any language which is offered by the Centre for Language Learning (CLL).