Managing your Customer's Experience in a Digital Age Workshop

We want to thank everyone who attended the workshop - "Managing Your Customers' Experience in a Digital Age" on Thursday 25th October 2018. We had a great turnout and we hope that you were able to increase your knowledge of the topic or add to what you already know.

For more information on the workshop or upcoming workshops, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: We will be happy to answer any questions.

You can also keep informed of upcoming workshops by visiting the Department's website: or facebook page:
#domsuwista #managementmatters #beuwi #workshop #managingyourcustomersexperience

Here are some pictures from the workshop:

Digital Age 1.jpg Digital Age 2.jpg Digital Age 3.jpg
Digital Age 6.jpg Digital Age 9.jpg Digital Age 8.jpg
Digital Age 5.jpg Digital Age 4.jpg Digital Age 10.jpg


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