Tourism Development and Management - M.Sc and PG Dip

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Purpose of the Programme

This programme is designed to develop the analytical skills of policy makers and planners who are charged with the responsibility of planning, developing and managing the region’s tourism resources in a sustainable manner. The intention is also to develop a critical mass of intellectual capital within the region that will help lead the way forward in developing innovative solutions, through research and scholarship, to address the many challenges facing the tourism industry.

The programmes are full-time with classes offered in the evenings, on weekdays, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and/or 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m..


Objectives of the Programme

These programmes seek to achieve the following objectives:

  • To prepare students to contribute to the creation of an improved tourism society regionally and globally - a tourism society where the development of tourism is planned, there is proper stewardship of the natural resources and the local culture is preserved.
  • To develop analytical and managerial competencies appropriate for this diverse operating environment.
  • To develop the student to define, investigate, analyse and respond to tactical and strategic issues in tourism development.


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the degree/diploma programme, students would have developed skills, knowledge and understanding that enable them to:

  • Manage learning and self development in the midst of change.
  • Stimulate change in response to current and future developments in organisations in the tourism industry.
  • Evaluate different international experiences of the role of tourism in development, and the critical issues determining the success of the tourism-led economic policies.


Target Audience

The M.Sc./PG. Dip. is designed for persons who either:

  • Hold Certificates/diplomas that can be assessed by the UWI;
  • Have at least five (5) years supervisory/managerial experience; and
  • Are successful at an interview to be conducted by a selected panel comprising at least three (3) members approved by the Head, Department of Management Studies.


  • Hold bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications who are interested in pursuing studies in tourism.


Structure of the Programme

M.Sc. Tourism Development & Management

Full-Time Delivery over Four (4) Semesters

MGMT 6310


Strategic Planning & Management

MGMT 6311       


Applied Multivariate Statistics

TOUR  6002     

  Tourism Destination Management

MGMT 6007      


Research Methodology

TOUR 6055        


Tourism Policy & Planning in Developing Countries      

TOUR 6003      

  Tourism Policy & Strategy



TOUR 6040 


Sustainable Tourism Management




MGMT 6010  

  Research Project


Students will be required to do two (2) levels of any language which is offered by the Centre for Language Learning (CLL). This will not be for credit.

Students will be required to attend a Statistics Workshop at the beginning of the first semester of the programme.

Research Project

The individual research project is required for the M.Sc. award, or to convert the postgraduate diploma to an M.Sc. The project will be on a topic proposed by the student and must be agreed with by the appropriate supervising faculty.

The project is an opportunity for the student to put into practice the concepts, tools and research methods learned during the programme, within a specific area of enquiry. Each student will be assigned a supervisor from within the Department of Management Studies.

The outcome will be an extended research paper for examination of 18,000 to 20,000 words in length, as part of the degree requirements. The research project will be examined by two internal examiners and one examiner external to the University.



PG. Dip. Tourism Development & Management

The PG. Dip. Tourism Development & Management aims to develop the skill set of tourism stakeholders who are directly involved with the region’s tourism products and are largely responsible for managing the visitor experience (domestic and international). The Postgraduate Diploma is a 24-credit programme that is offered on a full-time basis with classes held in the evening and/or on Saturday mornings. The course of study consists of one (1) Departmental core course, three (3) specialised courses and two (2) electives as follows:





MGMT 6310        

Strategic Planning & Management

TOUR 6002           

Tourism Destination Management





TOUR  6055        

Tourism Policy & Planning in Developing Countries

TOUR 6040

Sustainable Tourism Management










Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The programme will be delivered through lectures, seminars, workshops and private study. Visiting speakers will provide students with current information and examples of best practice and trends in the industry. 

The courses will be assessed by a variety of methods including individual or group assignments and examinations. Students may be required to write reports, make visual and oral presentations and analyse case studies.

In view of the very applied and practical nature of Tourism Management, the curriculum will be constantly under review to ensure that students are exposed to state of the art knowledge, which will foster a range of skills and assist in the development of highly skilled and employable graduates. This continuous review of the curriculum will be facilitated through collaboration with a group of stakeholders including, but not exclusively, colleagues from the other campuses, industry experts, and past students.

This continuous review of the curriculum will be facilitated through collaboration with a group of stakeholders including, but not exclusively, colleagues from the other campuses, industry experts as well as past students.