UWI students presented their research papers at ALBUS

The following students presented their research papers at The Academy of Latin American Business and Sustainability Studies (ALBUS), which took place on November 07-09 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

  • Satesh Sookhai - Presented a paper titled "The Relationship Between Rewards and Motivation on Job Performance Within Small Businesses: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Moderating Role of Organizational Justice" - Winner of Best Student Paper Award (Work in Progress)
  • Denise Julian - Presented a paper titled "Market Segmentation a Path to Overall Customer Satisfaction: A Moderated Model of Attribute Level Performance"  - Winner of Best Student Presentation Award 
  • Daniel Floyd - Presented a paper titled " Exploring The Consequences of Diversity and Inclusion on Customer Retention and Perceived Service Quality Within Trinidad and Tobago’s Banking Industry"
  •  Kalitri Dwarika - Presented a paper titled "Impact of nutritional labeling and health warnings on cereal boxes on consumers' purchase intention."
  • Jenna-Leigh Metivier (Online Presentation) - Presented paper titled "A comparison of the impact of local versus foreign social media influencers on online brand advocacy: the mediating effects of trust and similarity"

Dr. Meena Rambocas accompanied the students.

The students enjoyed interacting and networking with scholars and doctoral students from different countries of the world. 

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About The Academy of Latin American Business and Sustainability Studies (ALBUS)

The ALBUS conference comprises research papers, expert panels, and a consortium for doctoral students and Faculty members within the Latin American/Caribbean region. The organization strongly encourages interdisciplinary collaboration between Latin American and Caribbean academics. ALBUS’s annual conference takes place the first week of November.