
To provide graduates with a comprehensive and advanced knowledge of Statistics so as to enable them to function effectively as professional Statisticians and to provide them with an adequate background for further study and research in Statistics.

Programme Co-ordinator: Dr. Donna Dyer

Entry Requirements

To be admitted to the programme a candidate should possess a BSc degree with at least Lower Second Class Honours or its equivalent (GPA 2.5). Candidates are expected to have a minimum grade B (quality point 3.0) in the following courses or its equivalent:

MATH 2273 Linear Algebra I
MATH 2270 Multivariate Calculus
MATH 2277 Introduction to Real Analysis I
MATH 2275 Statistics I
MATH 3465 Statistical Inference
MATH 3278 Probability Theory II

Applicants who do not satisfy these requirements may be admitted upon successful completion of qualifying courses.


Course of Study

For the  MSc programme in Statistics, students are required to complete (32 credits) consisting of:

(i)  5 core courses (20 credits)
(ii)  3 elective courses (12 credits) with an 8-credit Research Project (STAT 6000) which must be chosen in collaboration with at least one Lecturer in Statistics.

The course of study shall extend over one (1) year of full time study or two (2) years of part time study, however, at the present time, only a part-time programme is available.



Students will be required to pass both the coursework and the written examination. The pass mark is 50%.  The grading scheme for graduate degrees is as follows:  A 70 - 100%; B+ 60-69%; B 50-59%.  In the case of the Research Project, evaluation will be based on the project report.


Award of Degree

To qualify for the award of the degree, candidates must pass all five Core courses, three Elective courses and the Research Project.  The degree shall be awarded in two categories - Distinction and Pass.  For the award of the degree with distinction, the candidate must have obtained an average mark of 70% or more, across all Core courses and  Elective courses as well as 70% or more in the Research Project. 

A candidate failing a course shall be ineligible for the award of distinction.



STAT 6100 Applied Probability Theory
STAT 6110 Applied Statistical Inference
STAT 6120 Linear Statistical Methods
STAT 6130 Sampling Theory & Techniques
STAT 6140 Experimental Design and Analysis


Select 3 of the following Elective Courses

STAT 6150 Stochastic Process & Applications  (4 Credits)
STAT 6160 Data Analysis  (4 Credits)
STAT 6170 Multivariate Analysis  (4 Credits)
STAT 6180 Advanced Topics in Statistics  (4 Credits)
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