Level: II
Semester: 2
Number of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: ECNG 2011 Signals and Systems & ECNG 2013 Mathematics for Electrical Engineers II
* Students will be allowed to do this course with modified prerequisite i.e. PHYS 2150 (Mathematics for Physicists) Department Responsible: Electrical and Computing Engineering


Course Description

This is the introductory course in Communications in the Department. It establishes the technical foundation for the topic by introducing the fundamentals of communications and exploring the common principles that underpin communications systems. The course provides a detailed treatment of amplitude modulation (AM) techniques (such as conventional AM, double-sideband suppressed carrier AM, and single sideband AM) as well as that of angle modulation techniques (i.e., frequency modulation and phase modulation) in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise. Once these communication principles are well established, the course illustrates their application to a representative set of analog communication systems.

This course will be assessed through simulation exercises, in-course examination, group project and a final examination.

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