Level: III
Semester: 1
Number of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: ECNG 2009 (Control Systems) Department Responsible: Electrical and Computing Engineering


Course Description

This course first reviews the typical techniques for classical control analysis and design as covered in earlier undergraduate study such as Bode plots, Nyquist, Root Locus etc. Control System Development such as lead/lag compensator design methods are comprehensively reviewed with continuous time approach first covered. After the fundamentals of digital control implementation are introduced, these classical control design methods are revisited in a digital/hybrid system development context. The second part of the course focuses on the introduction to modern control strategy using state space system analysis and development. State space representation, State diagrams, Canonical forms of system representation, controllability and observability as well as observer design are all introduced.

This course will be assessed through in-course exam and a final examination.



Coursework                                                   10%
Final Examination (One 3-hr paper)             90%


* Students will be allowed to do this course with modified prerequisite i.e. PHYS 3201 (Advance Electronics and Control Theory)

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