Global Careers In Foreign Affairs:Law & Diplomacy as Praxis

Global Careers In Foreign Affairs:Law & Diplomacy as Praxis

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The Faculty of Law collaborated with the Institute of International Relations at the St. Augustine Campus  on Saturday 9th March, 2019, to launch an Inaugural Workshop on Global Careers In Foreign affairs: Law & Diplomacy as Praxis as part of  ‘The Sir Learie Constantine Educational Series in Global Justice, Law & Diplomacy’.Targeted to University, Community College and national Secondary School level students/graduates, the workshop was designed to showcase the legal career trajectories and talent which exist in Global Justice, Law & Diplomacy.

With established legal and foreign relations practitioners as keynote speakers, the workshop effectively provided an opportunity for students to engage with those elder professionals who have effectively forged successful careers both internationally and nationally within different or unusual areas of Global Justice, Law and Diplomacy, that young people might not have previously considered.

The Workshop was coordinated on behalf of UWI by Mr. Terrence Wendell Brathwaite (Honorary Fellow in the Faculty of Law, UWI, and Retired Director of LLM Law & Internship Programmes at Coventry Law School, Coventry University in England). This workshop launches the initial phase of The Sir Learie Constantine Educational Series in Global Justice, Law & Diplomacy in Trinidad. The flagship series is being pioneered by Mr. Brathwaite to not only raise awareness of who Sir Learie (a Barrister) was as the GoRTT’s first High Commissioner to the UK, but also the historical significance of what he did for human rights within the context of international law and diplomacy.


Speakers included Mrs. Sandra Honoré, Former United Nations Representative to Haiti & GoRTT Ambassador; Mr. Dennis Francis, Former GoRTT High Commissioner to Jamaica and Ambassador to the United Nations (Geneva) and the World Trade Organisation;  Mrs. Lenore S. Dorset, Former GoRTT Chief of Protocol & Head of the Foreign Service; Mr. Garvin Nicholas, Attorney-at-Law, Former GoRTT Attorney General, High Commissioner to the UK and Ambassador to Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden; Mr. Gerald Thompson, Former Ambassador of the GoRTT to the United Nations & Director of Treaties, International Agreements and Legal Division of the MFA; Dr. Michelle Scobie, Lecturer in International Law and Global Environmental Governance, The Institute of International Relations at UWI; Mr. Eden Charles, Former GoRTT Ambassador to the United Nations;  Ms. Diane Quarless, Director of Economic Commission on Latin America and the Caribbean Sub-regional Headquarters for the Caribbean in Port of Spain, Trinidad; Ms. Roberta Clarke, Chair of the Trinidad & Tobago National Coalition against Domestic Violence, former Regional Director for the UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, and former Caribbean Regional Programme Director for UNIFEM in Barbados; Professor Jessica Byron-Reid, Director of the Institute of International Relations at UWI and Ms. Gail P. Guy, Former GoRTT Diplomat and Protocol Consultant.

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