Student Notices

Registration Deadline Extended: Late Fee Waived

Posted Monday, September 9, 2024

The registration period for Semester I, 2024/2054 has been extended until September 22. During this extension, students will not be required to pay the late registration fee as this late fee will be waived.

Students can complete their online registration by following the 7 Steps to Register as listed below. More information on these steps can be found by clicking here.

Students are asked to note the following steps:

1.    Get your Registration Information

2.    Register for Gate eService ID (T&T nationals if applicable)

3.    Go to Academic Advising

4.    Select Courses Online

5.    Enrol in FEE Pay to Obtain Financial Clearance

6.    Get Your UWI ID / Smart Card

7.    Maintain Financial Clearance

Faculty Orientation and Academic Advising sessions are compulsory for all new students and all Engineering students and are highly recommended for continuing students. To see the respective Faculty Advising Schedule, click here. 

GATE is available to undergraduate students who are nationals of Trinidad & Tobago. For information on the GATE process and the procedure of applying, click here. For additional information, please visit Please note, all eligible Trinidad and Tobago citizens accessing GATE, must apply every semester. 

Some key points to note:

-       Enrolment in FEE PAY is a mandatory step in the registration process, as it grants financial clearance for the semester

-       Click here to access a list of the payment options which students can use for the payment of all fees

-       To maintain financial clearance, students are required to submit registration documents via the e-Courier platform, which can be accessed here. For a list of the required documents click here.

-       For assistance with any financial matters, students can contact the bursary via their online Service Desk platform. Click here to access.

The below contacts can be used for specific registration inquiries:

1. Helpdesk – Banner Related Queries

Tel: 662-2002, Ext. – 83969, 83970, 83971 and 83972


2. Student Accounts and Receivables

Bursary Service Desk at:

3. Student Affairs (Admissions) - Undergraduate

Tel: 662-2002 Ext. 83012/82157/82154/84224

Email: OR

4. Graduate Studies & Research

Tel: 662-2002 Ext. 84191/83064/83909


5. ID Card Office


6. Assistance with Student Portal and/or PIN reset, myeLearning


For more key dates for 2024/2025, click here for the academic calendar.