Posted Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Campus Security Services has stepped up its enforcement of the campus's No Thoroughfare Zone Policy, to achieve greater control and monitoring of persons and vehicles entering the Campus, and to enhance the level of safety and security for the Campus Community.
The UWI St. Augustine Campus was designated a ‘No Thoroughfare Zone’ in 2016. On Mondays to Fridays, except on public holidays, only authorised vehicles (those displaying valid UWI Vehicle Permits) are allowed to enter the campus via the North and South Entrances. Unauthorised vehicles (those without valid UWI Vehicle Permits) will be redirected to the Visitors’ Entrance, which is the Daaga Gate, where persons will be more rigorously screened before being allowed to proceed onto the Campus.
If you are a member of the campus community and have not already applied for your 2024/25 UWI Vehicle Permit, please click on the links below for more information on the application and collection process:
Students: click here for more information on how to apply for your vehicle permits. You are reminded that you must have a valid UWI student ID card in order to apply for a vehicle permit. Click here for more information on how to apply for your UWI ID card
Staff: Click here for more information on how to apply for your vehicle permit
Temporary staff and service providers: each Head of Department is required to appoint a Virtual Applicant who will be responsible for submitting vehicle permit applications on behalf of temporary staff and service providers. Please liaise with your respective department or The UWI department that you conduct business with for more information
Enforcement of No Thoroughfare Zone
The following measures will be implemented from Monday, September 02, 2024:
- Additional UWI Estate Police Officers will be on duty at the North, South, Daaga and Heart Ease Gates during the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays, to redirect unauthorized vehicles and to perform the necessary security screenings
- The Daaga Gate (Visitor’s Entrance) will be restricted to entry only during the hours of 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Mondays to Fridays. During this time, one-way vehicular traffic will be in effect, moving east to west, along the section of Lewis Avenue between the Daaga Gate and the junction of Lewis Avenue and Wooding Drive (that is the junction in front of the tennis court)
- UWI Estate Police Officers will be on duty at the northern junction of Lewis Avenue and Wooding Drive and at the junction in front of Daaga Auditorium, from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Mondays to Fridays to manage vehicular traffic. All motorists are asked to heed to their guidance
- Lewis Avenue, between Daaga Auditorium on the northern end, and Wooding Drive on the southern end, will be closed to vehicular traffic between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily for the duration of the registration period. Pedestrians and local vehicular traffic will be allowed access during this time
Campus Speed Limit
All motorists are reminded that a speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour is in effect on campus. Motorists are also reminded to observe all traffic signs and symbols while driving on the Campus, especially pedestrian crossings, at which points motorists should stop and give way to pedestrians.
Motorists are encouraged to always drive at a speed that is safe, based on the prevailing weather and environmental conditions. Factors such as, weather, lighting, visibility and the presence of pedestrians and other vehicles on the roadways should be taken into account, and motorists should always drive at a speed that would allow them to stop, maneuver or react safely to hazards.
All motorists and pedestrians are also reminded to heed the guidance provided by members of the Campus Security team.