Dr. Kegan Farrick

B.Sc. (UWI), M.Sc. (Univ. of Waterloo), Ph.D. (Western University)

Head, Department of Geography

Tel: +1-868-662-2002, ext. 84130
E-mail: kegan.farrick@sta.uwi.edu



Ph.D. Geology, Western University, London, ON, Canada

M.Sc. Physical Geography, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada

B.Sc. Environmental & Natural Resources Management and Zoology, University of the West Indies

Research Interests

  • Improving our understanding of the physical and ecological mechanisms that govern the translation of rainfall to runoff and groundwater in tropical systems.
  • Examining the impacts of land use change and climate change on catchment water quantity and quality.
  • Development of methods to reduce water use and improve water quality in agricultural systems and urban watersheds.
  • Hydrological restoration of wetlands and urban watersheds.

Selected Publications

  • Farrick, K.K. and Branfireun, B.A. (2014) Flow pathways, source water contributions and water residence times in a Mexican tropical dry forest catchment. Journal of Hydrology (in review).
  • Farrick, K.K. and Branfireun, B.A. (2014) Soil water storage, rainfall and runoff relationships in a tropical dry forest catchment. Water Resources Research (in press).
  • Farrick, K.K. and Branfireun, B.A. (2014) Infiltration and soil water dynamics in a tropical dry forest: it may be dry but definitely not arid. Hydrological Processes. 28: 4377-4387.
  • Farrick, K.K. and Branfireun, B.A. (2013) Left high and dry: a call to action for increased hydrological research in tropical dry forests. Hydrological Processes. 27: 3254-3262.
  • Farrick, K.K. and Price, J.S. (2009). Ericaceous shrubs on abandoned block-cut peatlands: implications for soil water availability and Sphagnum restoration. Ecohydrology. 2: 530-540.