B.Sc. PYSCH; B.Sc. GEOG; M.A. (University of Kansas); Ph.D. (University of British Columbia)
Lecturer - Critical Geography
Associate: The Institute for Gender and Development Studies
Telephone: +1-868-688-5304 | UWI ext. 82700
E-mail: levi.gahman@sta.uwi.edu
Website: cellodreams.academia.edu/LeviGahman
Editor: ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
Recipient: Antipode Foundation International Workshop Award: ' Indigenous Geographies, Caribbean Feminisms, Common Struggles '
Affiliate: Transformative Studies Institute (TSI)
Member: Centre for Research on Men and Masculinities (CROMM)
Postdoctoral Fellow: UBC Centre for Social, Spatial, and Economic Justice (Canada)
Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Studies, University of British Columbia
AAPS Certification. Substance Abuse/Dependency Counseling (state of Kansas)
M.A. Geography (summa cum laude, honors), University of Kansas
B.Sc. Geography (summa cum laude), Pittsburg State University
B.Sc. Psychology (summa cum laude, honors), Pittsburg State University
Research Interests
My work concentrates on three distinct yet interconnected areas of focus:
1.) Investigating how the practice of decolonization and mutual aid (specifically via autonomous governance, moral economies, food sovereignty, and radical pedagogy) create pathways out of structural violence towards community well-being and social harmony;
2) Critically analyzing the structural, spatial, and socio-psychological products of social exclusion, accumulation by dispossession, racial othering/supremacy, classist oppression, and gender inequity with the explicit aim of advancing social transformation;
3) Interrogating overt and banal, material and discursive, as well as geopolitical and biopolitical assertions of power, control, dominance, and privilege with relation to the ways in which populations and geographies are arranged, administered, and regulated.
Selected Publications
Gahman, L. (in press). Crip Theory and Country Boys: Masculinity, Dis/Ability, and Place in Rural Southeast Kansas. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.
Gahman, L. (in press). A Moral Economy of the Rebel Peasant: Indigenous Autonomy and Food Sovereignty as Subsistence... ‘from the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast.’ In: J. Duncan. and M. Bailey. (Eds.) Sustainable Food Futures: Multidisciplinary Solutions. Routledge.
Gahman, L., Chattopadhyay, S., and Watson, J. (Eds.) (accepted) Special Issue: Ecosocialism and Radical Pedagogies in the Everyday Academy. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism.
Gahman, L. (in press). Gender, Geography, and Embodiment: Neoliberalism and Working Class Masculinity in Rural Kansas. In: M. Kimmel and J.K. Gardiner (Series Ed.) Global Masculinities, C. Walker (Vol. Ed.) Masculinity, Labour, and Neoliberalism. Palgrave Macmillan.
Gahman, L. (2016). Situating Border Imperialism in Critical Geography. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies. 15(4): Pre-Print.
Gahman, L. (2016). Food Sovereignty in Rebellion: Decolonization, Autonomy, Gender Equity and the Zapatista Solution/Insurgency. In Special Issue: ‘Future Solutions for a Food Secure World.’ J. Duncan and M. Bailey (Eds.) Solutions Journal. 7(4): 67-83.
Gahman, L. (2016). A Lesson in Dismantling Neoliberal Education, from the Zapatistas. Reflections on a Revolution. Spring Edition, April Release.
Gahman, L. (2015). Zapatismo Versus The Neoliberal University: Towards a Pedagogy Against Oblivion. In: S. Springer, R.J. White, M. Lopes de Souza (Eds.). The Radicalization of Pedagogy: Anarchism, Geography, and the Spirit of Revolt. Roman and Littlefield.
Gahman, L. (2015). White Settler Society as Monster: Rural Southeast Kansas, Ancestral Osage (Wah-Zha-Zhi) Territories, and the Violence of Forgetting. Antipode, 48(2): 314-335.
Gahman, L., Hjalmarson, E., Bunn, R., Cohen, A., and Terbasket, E. (2015). Race, Food, and Borders: Situating Migrant Struggle in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 5(4): 77-82.
Gahman, L. (2014). Gun Rites: Hegemonic Masculinity and Neoliberal Ideology in Rural Kansas, Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 22(9): 1203-1219.
Gahman, L. Nunn, N. and Berg, L.D. (2014). Neoliberalism, Masculinities, and Academic Knowledge Production: Towards a theory of academic masculinities, In: A. Gorman-Murray and P. Hopkins (Eds.). Masculinities and Place. Farnham, UK, USA: Ashgate.
Gahman, L. (2014). Locked Arms and Open Hearts: Students from the Okanagan Valley Mobilize for Ayotzinapa. Briarpatch. Fall Edition.
Gahman, L. (2014). Zapatistas Mourn a Death and Begin a New Cycle of Building. Americas Program: A New World of Action and Communication Through Social Change. Summer release.
Gahman, L. (2014). Death of a Zapatista: Neoliberalism’s Assault on Indigenous Autonomy. Cultural Survival. Spring Edition.