The Trinidad and Tobago Research Development and Impact Fund
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Pest Diagnosis

The Pest Diagnosis module is designed to target the need of farmers and agricultural personnel to diagnose and treat crop diseases. This module aims to provide such agricultural personnel with an easy to use application which can guide them through a process in diagnosising a plants potential diseases. With such possible diagnosis, the system would then recommend to users possible treatments. Such diagnosis and treatment information was gathered from trained Agricultural Pathologists and thus formed an expert system for users. Work in this module has produced the AgriDiagnose Mobile Application.


AgriDiagnose Introduction

This app is an expert system for diagnosing plant pests and diseases. It is intended to be used by farmers and agricultural extension officers to assist with diagnosis, treatment and education of plant pests and diseases. The app has two main components: A web-based Pathologist application which allows the plant pathologist to train the system by entering information about plant diseases and the mobile app which the farmer uses to answer a series of questions about the problem and where the diagnosis is displayed to the farmer. In addition, there is a Crop Guide and a Plant Disease guide that provides information to the farmer on treatment.