• RDI Fund: Work/life Balance
  • Work/life Balance poster
  • Advisory Committee
  • Advisory Committee Meeting
  • Talking Circle

Work/Life Balance and ageing in Trinidad: studying the productivity and wellbeing of working men and women

Work/life balance is the maintenance of supportive and healthy work and family environments which enable working people to balance work and personal responsibilities.

This project examines the contemporary challenges of working women and men aged 40-65 in balancing their work and family life commitments in Trinidad and the way in which this balance is offset or aggravated by the longer life expectancy of the population.

Do they depend on the retired population of ageing parents and extended family for child care?

Are they additionally burdened with caring for ageing people in their lives?

These are some of the questions we are asking in this research project.

About the Project (Brochure)

Conference site: http://conferences.sta.uwi.edu/worklifeageing/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Work.Life.Ageing/

Inquiries may be sent to our Conference Coordinator, Ms Joy Ramcharan-Cooblal
Joy.Cooblal@sta.uwi.edu or the project address worklifebalance.tt@gmail.com.


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